July 18, 2022
Shipshape Featured in National Short-Form Documentary Series Viewpoint Hosted by Dennis Quaid
Shipshape Solutions featured in a short-form documentary series produced by Dennis Quaid’s Viewpoint Production Company as one of the top emerging companies making an impact in the world.

Dennis Quaid’s Viewpoint production company, which profiles companies striving for significance and impact in the world, recently selected Shipshape as a top emerging, innovative company for the work Shipshape is doing to empower homeowners to make smarter decisions that save them time, money and energy.
“Many brilliant advances have been made because someone was brave enough to take a risk. A bold idea may take years to research or develop but the payoff can be enormous. We are highlighting the innovators that are changing our world for the better.” said Quaid, lead producer on the Viewpoint Project.
Viewpoint is uniquely designed educational content for Public Television in all 50 states. The series focuses on educating viewers on the very latest topic and trends impacting the world.
"Shipshape was founded with the belief that the business of business is to build a better world," according to Alexander Linn, Founder and CEO of Shipshape. "The most powerful technologies, especially artificial intelligence must be directly aimed at combating inequality and promoting sustainable economic development. Its an honor to be featured for the work we are doing to make homes smart enough to take care of themselves so we can live in a world where all homes are safe, reliable and efficient."
Viewpoint’s segments air on the major networks like CNN, CNBC, FOX Business, HGTV, TLC, Lifetime, Discovery, etc.
See the link below for access to the short-form documentary feature.